China Mining Taxation Workshop – Organised by the Australian Canadian Mining Industry Working Group (ACMIWG), Beijing, China, September 2003
Author: Richard Schodde (page 11)
Long term trends in exploration and the likely impact of the investment climate
Paper presented the AusIMM technical meeting, Melbourne, April 2003
Impact of Kyoto on the cost structure of the world’s resource industry
Mineral Economics & Management Society (MEMS) Annual Conference, Golden Colorado, April 2003
Enhancing and effectiveness in modern exploration
Journal of Geochemistry: Exploration, Environment and Analysis, Vol. 3, 2003 pp79-84
Long term trends in exploration and the likely impact of the investment climate
Keynote paper presented at the Australian Institute of Geoscientists Exploration Conference, Perth March 2003
How to value an exploration project
China Mining Association – Minerals Exploration Branch Annual Conference Kunming, China, December 2002
Impact of WTO and other factors on the economics of exploration in China
China Mining Conference, Chongqing, October 2002
Disclosing geological data: an investors view
China Mining Conference, Xian, Sept 2001
Impact of taxation and country risk on the economics of mining and exploration
Presented at a workshop for government ministers organized by the World Bank, Washington DC, April 2001.
The cost of Australian carbon dioxide abatement
Energy Journal, Vol. 12(2) 1990 pp135-152